"Nothing" Cannot Exist

Let us consider the following statement:

S1: Nothing exists.


Statement S1 seems to contradict itself.


In order for a situation to exist, the situation has to persist.1,2 A scenario in which "nothing exists" cannot persist.3,4 Therefore, a scenario in which "nothing exists" cannot exist.5


"Nothing" cannot exist. Therefore, "something" must always exist.6


1. Suppose a situation S exists. Then S must persist for a duration greater than zero seconds. (If S persists for zero seconds, S never exists.)

2. If a situation persists, a phenomenon of temporal passage (i.e., a phenomenon of time flow) occurs.

3. The premise "'nothing' persists" leads to a contradiction. (It leads to the conclusion that "nothing" does not exist. [See note no. 4.])

4. If "nothing" persists, time flow occurs. If time flow occurs, time exists. If time exists, "something" exists. If "something" exists, "nothing" does not exist. Therefore, if "nothing" persists, "nothing" does not exist.

5. The terms "situation," "scenario," and "state of affairs" are synonymous.

6. We know that "something" always exists. But what could this "something" be? (An eternal "mind" of some sort?)

Re: Nothing

If "nothing" is a "situation," we can ask the question "How long does 'nothing' persist?"1,2


1. Suppose S is a situation. The question "How long does S persist?" is a meaningful question.
2. The situation we call "nothing" can persist for at most zero seconds.

Re: Nothing (II)

By definition, "nothing" is a "situation."1

However, it is a situation that cannot exist.


Let us consider the following statement:

S2: "Nothing" does not persist over time.


Statement S2 is true.2


1. The "absence of all things" is a "situation." (It is a "state of affairs.")
2. The situation we call "nothing" can persist for at most zero seconds.

Re: Nothing (III)

If nothing exists, time does not exist.1


1. In order for time to exist, persistence has to occur for a duration greater than zero seconds.

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