Time in a Quantum and Relativistic Universe


Physics in the twentieth century has taught us that the world often works in a way that is counterintuitive. Common sense, therefore, is not to be regarded a reliable means of discovering truth. To date, we have not formulated a truly satisfying theory explaining time's "flux" (or "passage") and its relationship to consciousness; but this stems from a mistaken assumption on our part regarding the relationship between the concepts "existence" and "persistence."

Clearly, a thing (e.g., a material entity) cannot exist if it does not remain in existence. After all, a thing that exists, but does not persist, exists for a total duration of only one moment. One moment, however, is by definition only zero seconds long--no length of time at all. We must realize that if we say a material object (or anything else for that matter) has existed for no length of time, we are stating that it has never been in existence. All things that exist necessarily exist for some length of time, however short this length may be.

This argument applies to the present moment.1 If the present moment is to exist, it must remain in existence: it must endure. We often picture the present moment as moving up through time, into the future; this, in fact, is our way of visualizing the idea that the present moment maintains its existence, as time passes.

Clearly, the mystery of time's passage is solved. Given that:

  1. the present must endure in order to exist, it follows that
  2. time must pass if the present exists.
Time passes, therefore, for the simple reason that the present exists.

In my articles, the consequences of this new view of the time flux are explained. In particular, it is demonstrated that time travel to the geometric past is possible as suggested by Einstein's general theory of relativity. Also, the articles answer the question of why the physical world must be observed by a conscious mind to exist.

Finally, a geometric analysis of the motion of the present moment is given. This analysis proves the following assumptions to be true:

  1. If the present moment exists now, it must have existed before now (for either a finite or infinite length of time).
  2. If the present moment exists now, it must continue to exist after now (for either a finite or infinite length of time).

It is shown that there is a fundamental connection between consciousness and time flow. The analysis mentioned above therefore has profound implications for the nature of consciousness. These implications are explained in detail.


1. The "present" is the "mind."

Home Page
Subjective Time Versus Physical Time
Temporal Passage, Causality, and the Mind/Body Problem
Solipsism and the Existence of "Other" Minds
Subjective Time
Temporal Order and Time Travel
Geometric Time Travel and Temporal Paradox
Temporal History Versus Physical/Geometric History
The Theory of Persistence: Part One